Contributors Verena Specks-Ludwig

About Verena Specks-Ludwig

Verena Specks-Ludwig loves headphones and microphones. Thanks to them, she meets people she would otherwise never have got to know. She listens to them very attentively, and then enthusiastically tells them what she has found out: as a journalist, author and presenter of the "Maus zum Hören" programme.
For the children’s broadcast offering WDR Kinderradio, she accompanied refugee children and their families for two years starting from their arrival in Dortmund. Children and families living in lignite mining region of Germany’s Rhineland told her their stories about the demolition of their villages and their resettlement. When Verena isn't working radio and podcasts herself, she likes to listen to them while digging in the garden.

Photo: Verena Specks-Ludwig
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